The Art of Self Mastery
Throat Chakra
MEANING: Purification
SYMBOL: Circle
LOCATION: Throat C3 - C5
FUNCTION: Communication
QUALITY: Vibration, Sound, Voice
DEITIES: Tehuti, Hermes
BODY PARTS: Throat, Ears, Mouth
EXPRESSION: Communication with Spirit
DISTURBANCE: Limited Awareness
AILMENTS: Thyroid, Ear, Gum problems
STATEMENT: I Speak, I Hear
BALANCE: Harmony, Peace
UNBALANCED: Restless, Anxious
SYMBOL: A circle surrounded by 16 lotus petals, and inside it a circle, or a circle containing a triangle
CENTRAL ISSUE: Communication, self-expression, self-discipline, speaking one's truth
COLOUR: Blue, light blue, turquoise
ESSENTIAL OILS: Lavender, patchouli
CRYSTALS: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire, blue lace agate, blue tourmaline, blue quartz
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS & PLANETS: Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Mars, the signs of Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius
SOUND: "Ham"
SENSE: Hearing
BODY: The mental body
GOALS: Clear communication, creativity
RIGHTS: To speak and to hear the truth
IDENTITY: Creative identity
LEVEL OF RELATIONSHIP: Relationship with our personal truths
ELEMENT: Ether - Akasha
HORMONAL GLANDS: The thyroid and parathyroid gland
ORGANS: Throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck, vocal cords and organs, mouth, teeth and gums, jaw, ears, muscles
EXCESSIVE: Too much talking, talking as a defence, inability to listen,
gossiping, interruptions, over-extended, stuttering
DEFICIENT: Fear of speaking, small, weak voice, difficulty putting feelings into words,
shyness, tone deaf, poor rhythm
BALANCED: Good listener, resonant voice, good sense of timing and rhythm,
clear communication, lives creatively
PHYSICAL DYSFUNCTIONS: Raspy throat, chronic soar throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems,
headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders, ear infections and problems
ADDICTIONS: Opiates, marijuana
TRAUMAS & ABUSES: Lies, secrets, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), authoritarian parents, alcoholic, chemical dependent family
SPIRITUAL CHALLENGES: To recognize that your strength of will is measured not by how well you exert your will over others but how well you control yourself. Conscious self-control and discipline means living according to the truth that every thought you have is either a potential act of grace or a potential weapon. Right thought leads to right speech leads to right action.
HEALING STRATEGY: Learn communication skills, letter writing, inner child communication, practice silence, story telling, singing, toning, release voice, loosen neck and shoulders