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What is it about the number 13 that is so scary? Many modern cultures fear this number, some countries do not have a 13th floor, door number or seat placing etc but if we look back to the ancient cultures, it has been seen in a very different light.

It is one of the most mysterious and potent numbers.


Lets look at some of the vibrations associated with 13:​


  • In the Bible the enlightened guest - Christ - is the thirteenth entity at the last supper. Symbology: Ascension, Resurrection & Enlightenment

  • 13 is a Prime number and is only divisible by itself which is symbolic of Incorruptible nature, Purity & Integrity

  • The Aztecs held the number 13 sacred and divided their week into thirteen days with each day ruled by a god. The thirteenth day was ruled by Tezcatlipoca, who represents: Mystery, Psyche, Illusion and Magic.

  • There are 12 Knights of the Round Table as well as King Arthur himself making it 13 (each knight is a part of the self with Arthur being the complete)

  • There are 12 Zodiac signs and poised in the middle is You - 13th.

  • 'The Legend of the 13 Crystal Skulls' are complete depositories of knowledge and each skull contains a particular specialist area of information - like a living library. The legend says: The 13 Crystal Skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era - transforming from an old paradigm into a new world.

  • In Ancient China the meaning of the number 13 was Completion and Perfection.

  • In Ancient mythology the number 13 represents the Great Mother Goddess.

  • 13 is an emblem for Sacred and Secret Knowledge.

  • The Sacred Feminine, the Goddess, the intuitive side - there are 13 Moon cycles in a year.

  • In the Tarot, the number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to spirit. It is the passage to a higher level of existence.

  • In Ancient Greece Zeus was counted as the 13th God. He was the most powerful of all the Gods of Greece.

  • In England the 24 hour day used to be divided into 13 parts: After-Midnight, Cock-Crow, Between the 1st cock-crow and daybreak, Dawn, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, Twilight, Evening, Candle-time, Bed-time and Dead of Night.

  • Each year has exactly 52 weeks divided into 13 months. Each month has 28 days divided into 4 weeks. Each week has 7 days. The calendar is the same every year (perennial) unlike the annual Gregorian calendar which days, weeks & months differ in each year.

  • In Numerology the symbolic meaning of 1 = Beginnings and Birth and 3 = Completion

  • 13 was the sacred number of Kemet (otherwise known as Ancient Egypt) and was part of the sacred geometry of creation to activate the light body.

  • In Ancient Egypt the meaning of the number 13: Immortality = there are 13 steps on the ladder that leads to eternity.

  • The number 13 is the number for: Creation, Resurrection, Ascension, Transformation & Reincarnation!

  • 13 is where you meet your higher self... It is within the 13th Chakra that completes your personal halo and you become divine!

  • 13 is the number of magic... any spell can be cast or broken through the number 13 for it takes 13 witches to create a coven.

  • The sacred power of 13 brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of Ascension. The New Earth frequency code = Unity and Oneness!


As we can see 13 has a divine power and esoteric frequency to transform all things.

This is why fear has been created as a vibration around it ....for if you fear something, you are more likely to stay as far away from it as possible.



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